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Class is in Session

Fellow Chicagoans! Summer in February/March, am I right?! This past week the weather has been at record highs for Chicago. To enjoy this weather, Zach and I went for a run outside! :) It was so warm. I almost forgot what sunshine on my skin feels like... Fancy that. Me? Forget the sun?! Impossible.

To remind me of my love for it, it shone this week. And I couldn't be more thankful.

Speaking of sunshine, I want to give a HUGE shout out to a ray of light in my life. One of my best friends from college, Lindsey Turner, has been in the warm country of Zambia for the past few months. She is a 3rd teacher there at The Esther School. Gosh, how I miss her! PLUS it was her birthday yesterday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Linds!

All the way from the other side of the globe, she did my workout! What a sweetie! I love her for that. I love her even more for telling me it kicked her butt... That's an endearing way to describe a workout in my opinion.

Some things you need to know about Linds...

1. She loves potatoes. And cheese.

2. She is THE nicest person I know. Hands down.

3. She has a heart of pure, God-focused gold.

4. Working out is not her favorite thing.

This was the last time I saw Linds, when she was home for Christmas.

So, the fact that she took the time to do one of my workouts makes me smile! Thanks, Linds! Follow along in her journey here. :)

Enough of the sappy stuff...

Like I mentioned in my post about Triathlon training, I have been trying to figure out the best way to train. The triathlon is 6 months away, I know. Zach keeps reminding me. But I still feel like I have to prepare as best I can!

I guess I should be happy that it's so far away. Because I think I might have...

dun, dun, dun....

Yes, I realize that links you to webMD. And yes I also realize I am self-diagnosing myself. But, guys, I'm telling you I really think I have it.

It's only on one foot!

Then again, it also said I might have foot cancer or Scarlet Fever...

It hurts on the ball of my left foot when I run or walk. So, the bike has been my BFF this week.

Since I have this new gym membership, I have access to a plethora of new classes I've never tried before! I would love to become a certified exercise instructor one day, so it's a great way to get a sense of what I'd be good at, what I like best and it also gives my muscles a bit of confusion - which is key in improvement!

I also mentioned in my last post that I have been following Kayla Itsines Beach Body routine. On the days I have not been doing that, I have been trying out new workout classes!

I'm going to give you the skinny on these workout classes, so you are well-equipped when you want to try them out yourselves!


BODYPUMP is exactly what it sounds like... A class where you pump weights with a lot of body movement. This might be my favorite class I've done at my new gym. Basically you have a bar and load up different barbell weights, and you have a step platform as well. That's all! To be a trainer for this class, you have to exclusively be trained by the LesMills program. I was actually introduced to this workout by my mom's bf, Fraser. He is a religious attendee of BODYPUMP and loves it! It's a great way to start your day. We did a class together in Toronto, and I'm so thankful he showed me what the class was all about! Thanks, Frase!

Need to know: BODYPUMP uses the method of the rep effect. Be prepared to do a lot of clean and presses, lots of squats and lunges and a lot of different counts. For example, if they say 3-1, you squat for 3 counts and burst up for the last one. If they say 4, you slowly squat down for 4 counts. 2 is the typical "single" reps - down 2, up 2. My favorite part? The loud music. BODYPUMP instructors are all taught the same classes, and they are required to use the same music and body routine that goes with it. For example, the song "Sexy and I know it" may be a routine for chest. The instructor cannot choose to use this for squats instead.

Likes: Like I said, I enjoy the music, because the entire muscle group you are working is throughout the duration of the song. You know when it's finished so you can stay focused on working hard until the end, and you can sing along! I also like that it is a full-body workout with weights. I am a huge believer in weights, if you haven't gathered that already, and I love fast-paced workouts that make your lifting also your cardio!

Dislikes: I totally understand the fear that instructors have about their students getting hurt. Well, actually, I take that back. I think a lot of instructors for this class in particular (except for this one instructor I had who was a total B.A. - she's what my aspiring trainer career is based on) tend to tell their class-attendees to take it too easy. They always encourage them to put on less weight instead of more. I guess my advice would be to know yourself. Most people attending a BODYPUMP class are looking to get more out of their workouts - so challenge yourself! This was my mistake one of the first times I took this class. I didn't add on enough weight because I was told if I was a beginner to go on the lighter side, and the workout was too easy for me.

#2: TRX

I just did my first TRX workout last week! TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It is with suspended bands that you put either your feet into or you hold onto with your hands. You can do things like suspended pushups with your hands in the loops, or push ups with your feet in the loops and your hands on the ground. TRX is really good for core workouts because it integrates your core muscles in a way that you cannot achieve when you are doing them on the ground.

Need to know: This is a fitness class for truly ALL levels. This can be very positive or negative. It is, most of the time, a full body workout. Although it is using a piece of minor equipment, it is first and foremost a body-weight workout, which means it's low impact. It's appropriate for any age as well as fitness level because there are modifications for every move. Another thing to note is that this is strictly a toning/sculpting class - no cardio involved.

Likes: It works a lot of different muscles that you definitely have a harder time reaching with plain, free weights. You never get bored, because the variation of the moves are always different. The possibilities are endless! My favorite part was the abs workout at the end. I think that was the most challenging part, and it works different part of your abs. I could definitely feel the burn! I think it is a valuable piece of equipment to add to any gym.

Dislikes: As noted above, this class is strictly toning. While it is okay to do this workout a few times a week, I think it is important to incorporate cardio in either after or before the class as well. This isn't necessarily a dislike, but if I were an instructor, I think I would consider adding in cardio intervals as well!


Well, I don't think I exactly need to elaborate on this too much. Odds are, you've already done a cycling class. My favorite types of cycling workouts are the sprints. I definitely work up a sweat the most during these intervals. However, I totally understand the positive effects of hill climbing too. My quads definitely feel the burn! This has been a big part of my triathlon training journey. I haven't done the classes when you get off the bike and do sit ups or push-ups and all that jazz, but I would definitely love to give that a try!

Likes: Most of the time, you have an upbeat instructor. You also almost always follow along with the music, which is exactly what I love about BODYPUMP classes! You get a great cardio workout with limited impact on your knees. It's a win, win!

Dislikes: I can honestly say I do not have many qualms with cycling! (Or spinning... but I think that is a coined phrase. So, all spinning classes are cycling but not all cycling classes are spinning.. ya feel?) I guess my only complaint is that more often than not, the instructors do not tell you what level to be at/how many RPMs you should be maintaining. Since I'm not extremely knowledgeable on spinning lingo, I find it hard to know where I'm supposed to be at throughout the routine. I often find myself putting inclines way too hard to start and then not being able to increase resistance throughout the song.

Need to know: I know this has to do with my lack of spinning knowledge, but I think that it's important for you to know your own abilities. I too often look at my partner's resistance and base it off of their dial. While this can be a good way to push yourself, don't let it restrict you or push you too hard! If you have bad knees, don't put your resistance super high for hill climbs. If you can push yourself to a higher RPM in sprints, by all means, peddle away! Focus on your own bike and your own workout. (This goes for all workouts - not just spinning!)


Turbo Kick is basically a kickboxing class on steroids (and without the gloves and punching bags). I went to my first studio class for turbo kick last week, and I loved it! Before I got my new gym membership, I would do the Turbo Kick workout that PopSugar offers with Equinox-trainer, Christa DiPaolo, creator of "The Cut". The music was upbeat and got you psyched for the class (can you tell I like working out with hype tunes?) and we got our cardio in while also using toning moves like punches and backwards kicks. There's also a 2-minute HIIT section after each round. This may be my inner-cheerleader talking, but I love choreographed moves! But, don't let this scare you off from the class. The instructor adds in different moves as you go, so you aren't left watching your partner's feet and forgetting to punch while you move.

Likes: Well, it's no secret that I like the music. But I love how fast-paced it is. You burn maximum calories by keeping your heart rate up the entire time. I hate when I leave a workout and feel like I've achieved nothing, so leaving this class was a good feeling! I also loved that our instructor made us do cardio and HIIT (which, obviously, is my favorite type of cardio!) It's aggressive, it's fun, and it feels like you're dancing!

Dislikes: I can't say I dislike much about this class. And I think you already know what I like about it so much. You kind of have to take it for what it is, or more importantly, what is is not.

It is NOT:

extremely intense

going to require any equipment

going to make you super shredded

going to help you pick up a boyfriend (there were no boys in my class.. although the bod you gain might help you out!)

going to make you bulk up

going to make you want to cry because you're in so much pain

It IS:

going to give you a great start to your day because it's so fun and high energy!

going to make you work up a sweat

going to work your entire body

probably going to make you sore after the first class

going to give you better muscle-memory and hand-eye coordination

If you have done any of these classes and have some opinions, I'd love to hear them! Or if there is a class I haven't had a chance to take yet and, thus, didn't write about here, I would also to hear about that as well. Enjoy your week, your St. Patrick's Day and (hopefully) some sunny days ahead!


Because I rambled on and on about my love for integration of cardio into workouts, I have decided to leave you with a little cardio/ab workout today. This one can only be done at home if you have a treadmill!

Mile run warm-up (7.0 mph minimum at 1.0 incline minimum)

Ab/cardio circuit 1:

60 mountain climbers (30 each leg)

30 v-ups

20 plank toe touches (hold a high plank position on your hands, reach under your body to tap your opposite toe - 10 each leg)

60 flutter kicks


Run 0.5 miles starting at 7.0 mph and gradually increase to 8.5 mph

Ab/cardio circuit 2:

30 plank jacks (elbows on bosu ball)

50 bicycle crunches

30 cross toe touches (elevate feet and reach across body as you crunch up toward your opposite foot)

40 side dips with 20 lbs in each hand (drop each hand, with weight, to below and a little behind your knee - 20 each side)


Run 0.5 miles starting at 7.0 mph and gradually increase to 8.5 mph

Ab/cardio circuit 3:

20 jump squats

60 side crunches (30 each side)

50 penguins (heel touches - 25 each side)

10 push-ups


Run 1 mile starting at 7.5 and gradually decrease to 4.0 mph for last quarter mile

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