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Forward Momentum

"Don't look back. That's not the direction you're going."

Happy 2017!

You made it. You survived the Holidays, and you're on you way to your better self... right?

Well, that's always the goal I guess.

Eat better. Exercise more. Be a better person.

Those were that top three 2017 New Year's Resolutions, as listed on the Chicago news stations.

New year, same cliche resolutions...

This is when Jessica and I went hiking in New Jersey! It definitely was a journey..

Last night, my family and I were all going around the dinner table and discussed our resolutions. When we made our way around the table to my mom, her resolution really made me think.

Or, rather, it was her lack of a resolution. She said that she believes you don't need to wait for a new year in order to become a better person. She hopes she is ever-evolving.

And I completely agree.

She said that she likes to have a physical goal, a mental goal and an emotional goal. Rather than just one, concrete resolution, you can have total self-betterment.

While the main purpose for this post is to help you with your physical goals for 2017, I am also going to try and lend a helping hand with your other resolutions with the common notion of forward motion.

I like the idea of goals being all-encompassing, moving forward and bettering your own self.

I want to direct your attention to the quote that I leaded off this post with...

"Don't look back. That's not the direction you're going."

This is my theme for 2017. Constant forward motion.

Mental Goals

I believe that being challenged in every aspect of your life is an integral part of happiness. From experience, my previous job didn't really challenge me. Now that I have pursued a different job, my days are more overall fulfilling because I am busy and my mind is being stretched. I believe that a good mental health goal would be to challenge yourself to pursue something out of your comfort zone. Stretch your mind - achieve new heights intellectually.

This could mean anything from reading a novel that's been rotting on your shelf, taking time to meditate or pray every day, or it could mean switching jobs - like me. Maybe it's even completing the newspaper crossword puzzle 5 days a week.

No matter what it is... a small goal, is still a goal.

Emotional Goals

I think this one might be the most important. I'm not undermining physical goals or mental goals. But personally, I think this goal is one of the hardest for me to attain. I am not an extremely emotional person. But because of this, emotions come out in different ways that I don't exactly love.

Emotions affect every aspect of your life; how you handle a situation, how you react in a circumstance, and how you feel internally reflects on what you are doing.

Emotional goals can range, and WILL range, depending on the type of person you are. Maybe you're a Debbie Downer and you reflect on the negatives (I think you can see why this would be a problem), or maybe you are emotionally numb, or not empathetic whatsoever. Make an achievable goal to alter these things slightly.

You will most likely fail at times, but you will also try again and it will get easier and easier.

Physical Goals

Now, here is my area of expertise! I'm going to be completely upfront with you: This is not going to be a tutorial on how to 30 pounds in 30 days, nor will it be a post that makes you feel like you want to die if you have a slice of bread (CARB LOADING!)

No, that's not my mindset at all, and it shouldn't be yours either.

I'll tell you why.

My qualms with New Years resolutions are two-fold.

1. Like I mentioned in my last post, New Years comes at an inconvenient time for resolutions. Everyone has just engorged themselves with sweets and treats over the Holidays, maybe they didn't get a New Years kiss, or their family get together reminded them that their life is maybe a little too stagnant for their liking...

I like to think that maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle for the majority of the year is the best way to go about a healthy lifestyle. Yes, I have slip-ups. But every day brings a new beginning. You don't have to wait for new year to revamp your attitude and lifestyle.

2. Most people hit their resolutions (especially if they are fitness oriented) for about the first month, and fall off the wagon. Un-achievable resolutions do not do people any good. It leads to frustration and a feeling of failure.

My mom's boyfriend was saying that every year after New Years he hits the gym twice a day, eats less and more healthy, and cuts out alcohol. I think this is an admirable lifestyle. If you have enough time to workout twice a day, then by all means go for it! It's a good way to reset your body after the Holidays and to kick off the new year.

Maybe this is a fine goal for Fraser (mom's bf) because it is not for the entire year, just a few months. And maybe he can stick with it that whole time.

However, when you make resolutions, you have to know yourself. If you know that something will be too hard for you, then alter it. If you absolutely despise getting up early, don't have your New Years resolution be to wake up 2 hours before work every day to exercise, unless you truly think you can change your mindset.

Don't mis-hear me. I think challenging resolutions are a must. But lofty resolutions with a high potential to fail are discouraging and will lead to disappointment in yourself. By trend, this makes people feel like they would rather give up if they miss their goal than to try again. That is the dangerous part.

Instead, if your goal is to workout in the mornings, and you're not a morning person, allow yourself room to adjust. Make a goal to get up early to workout once a week for 2 weeks, then increase a day every two weeks. This gives you some wiggle room, and you'll work your way up to your ultimate goal!

Make sense?

After all, it's about the journey AND the destination.

Now, for the actual work-outs...

If your #newyearnewyou goal is to revamp your workouts, or try something different, I am here to help!

I will be posting a different workout every week! Let me know what you like/dislike, what made you the most sore or which one you thought was easiest.

Let's make 2017 the best year yet!

Workouts for the gym:



- Jog .3 miles (6.0-7.0 mph)

- Run .10 miles (8.5-9.5 mph)

- Sprint .10 (9.5-11.0 mph)

Repeat until you have reached 2 miles

- Cool down by walking at an incline (8.5 incline for .20 miles)

(p.s. I do this workout with arms, because otherwise my legs are too tired to complete the workout! But you can tack this cardio on with whatever workout you would like)


12x bent over tricep extensions (12-20 lbs)

15x (each side) one-legged curls to shoulder raises,switch sides

10 push-ups (12-20 lbs)

30 v-ups

Repeat (be sure to do this quickly so your heart rate is elevated)

15x lay down skull crushers (12-20 lbs)

15x wide bicep curls (elbows at your hips and curls at 90 degree angle from body - 12-20 lbs)

50 Bicycles


30 tricep dips with elevated feet

15x bicep bent-over hammer curls

30 crunch sit-ups (combination of a sit-up and a crunch - feet are off of the floor)

10 push-ups


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