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Brain Freeze meets Holiday Hangover

I live in Chicago. Why, you ask? I've been trying to find a way to formulate an answer to that question for many, many winters that have passed.

If you have been following the news at all, you know that Chicago has had almost record-breaking temperature levels, only to be beaten by temperatures from the 1983 winter.

(Maybe this is a foreshadowing of a high in our Chicago Bears history... Maybe in two years, the 2018 Bears will be a defense to model after, like the '85 Bears! One can only dream...)

And, wouldn't you know it, Chicago was the coldest place on the PLANET this past week, beating out the South Pole, in addition to being colder than Mars.

So, why do I live here? Hm. Well, I guess the snow is pretty. The fresh snow, that is. Because after the first day, when you're trudging through brown muck through the streets of downtown Chicago in -20 degree wind chill, it's not as glamorous as it may sound.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do like the snow. I know I would miss it around Christmas-time if I ever moved to sunny, California (where, I might add, I firmly believe is where I am meant to dwell).

Because, modeling the words of the Chicago-residing Kevin McCallister, who wants to celebrate Christmas where there's no snow and no Christmas trees? Lighted palm trees are pretty, but...

I think I have a new relationship with the cold weather this year. I just got a new job downtown Chicago! (please, hold applause) Again, not quite as glamorous as it appears. I take the train in from the suburbs, and then I have a balmy, 20 degrees or less, half hour walk to my office.

I actually appreciate this walk. At my old job, I drove to work, sat at a desk all day, and drove home. I like the extra exercise! Especially if I miss a day of working out (because the long commute does weigh on you after a while), I don't feel as bad because I'm still getting some movement.

Starting a new job with a lengthy walk in the middle of winter, and right around the Holidays, is not easy. As a recent grad, working full-time is an adjustment in and of itself. Adding that to not getting Christmas vacation for the first time in my life... I'm definitely having some winter blues. (Cue Elvis's "Blue Christmas"...)

Although I get in a long walk every day, I still value my time to work out. It's therapeutic for me. And, with all of the extra Holiday calories, it's definitely something I need.

Since this is my first Christmas not having an actual break, I am finding it hard to get into the Holiday spirit. It doesn't feel like Christmas when you're supposed to go back to work right away after it's over!

In the midst of juggling waking up early for work, long commutes, and Holiday parties, working out isn't always an option, even if it is a priority. Plus, walking outside in frigid air to get to the gym isn't exactly appealing. This is how I am feeling this season.

I've given myself some tips, that I think anyone - working or not working, California or Chicago, young or old, Jewish or Christian - can benefit from during the upcoming Holidays! These are tips for getting in the Holiday mood, fitting in some (sometimes) necessary workouts, but also giving yourself grace. Because this time of the year is hectic for everyone.

Tip#1: Deprivation is a do NOT

This comes in many forms.

Sleep deprivation is a REAL THING! And it's one of the most important things concerning mental, emotional and physical health. If you stayed up late one night shopping and wrapping presents, then skip your morning workout the next day. Sleep is more important.

Holidays = desserts. And other unhealthy foods that you don't want to miss. I've said this once, and I'll say it again... I'm all about well-rounded lifestyles. This is your chance to celebrate! Eat those cookies and brownies, AND that buffalo chicken dip. The Holidays are something to celebrate. This does NOT mean you can starve yourself all day so that you can eat whatever you want at the party.

Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, and you won't overeat at the party. Plus, if you deprive yourself of food and sweets, the temptation will finally become too much for you and you'll eat a lot more than your fair share of Christmas cookies.

Tip #2 Jingle all the way... To the gym!

Or to your living room for a workout video, or outside for a run (if it's not too icy, of course). I know I said that it's necessary to workout around this time because you consume more calories. But that is not the only reason it is important! While the Holidays bring a lot of joy for many, many people, they also bring stress, sadness and anxiety for many people as well. To keep your mind off of the gifts you need to buy, where you're going to get the money to buy them, your crazy aunt who asks you why you're single year after year, or even the looming thought of taking down your decorations once it's all said and done... Exercise is an escape from all of these things. Give yourself a half hour to an hour during this busy season to forget about everything you need to do, and you can thank me later.

"But I'm too busy!"

Like I said - it's a busy time. I know those "tips & tricks" that so many fitness blogs say about "getting fit on the fly" stuff seems like BS. To be completely honest, I don't know how well they work. I've never relied on them as my sole workout. But, what I DO know is that every activity you do counts. Go for a walk around your neighborhood to see Christmas decorations, While you wait for the cookie timer to go off, do squats and alternate with burpees.

(Looking for a healthy cookie recipe? No, it's not an oxymoron. PopSugar has 22 options here.)

Tip #3 Holiday Hangover...

Maybe this is realistic or figurative. I am NOT here to tell you that you can't drink this season.

(In fact, PopSugar has a delicious and festive spiced wine recipe here. Oh, and some hangover hacks here.)

Hungover or not, you don't always feel the best party, after party, after party...

New Years resolutions are tricky, because they come at a time when a lot of people feel vulnerable about their bodies, their diet and their life situation in general.

("Why am I single?" "Valentine's Day is coming up pretty quick..." "Jeez another year passed, and I really hate my job... STILL.")

Because everyone is feeling particularly bad about themselves, or about the Holiday weight they gained, and they make extremely lofty goals; ones that they cannot possibly attain. Doing this will make you feel even worse when you can't achieve it. You're not a failure, you set yourself up for disappointment.

Instead make broader goals. Like, "I will eat a salad 3 times a week for lunch" or "I will work out 4 times a week instead of 3". These are healthy goals, but not un-achievable.

My last tip, is to drink a ton of water. Although I'm not encouraging you to stop eating the things you love today (I'm sure not going to), water will definitely help with after effects of bloating (but it's totally worth it). 

Last, but not least, Merry Christmas! Stay warm, chicagoans. Make the holiday spirit last as long as you can! It truly can be magical :) lounge around in your pj's (or workout clothes, like me!) 

Enjoy your time with your family and friends, and stay tuned for New Years resolution workouts coming your way! 

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