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HIIT-ting the Ground Running

Hi! My name is Makenzie Vos! Workout enthusiast, loud/vibrant soul, communicator, sports-lover (Chi-town pride!), slight feminist, Leo, and the originator of this blog: HIIT like a gurl.

Photo Credit: My sister Olivia! Believe it or not, this WAS candid...

Like I said, I am a workout enthusiast. HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. I believe this is one of the most effective workout fads in the industry. Why do I think this? For starts, they are for sure the most fun. Your joints are spared throughout the duration of the workouts. You can be as creative as you want with them. And they torch more calories in a shorter amount of time than most other workouts, so you can continue on enjoying your life!

I love sports; playing, watching, cheering, etc. I grew up an athlete. My favorite sport was volleyball. In fact, I even pursued a collegiate career in it for one year. Once I benched my volleyball career, I struggled with how to identify myself. Was I still an athlete? I still worked out, but tons of non-athletes do that. I wasn't on a team, besides the occasional intramural. Who was I?

After some self-searching, I realized that although my volleyball career was over, my athletic career was NOT. How could I give that up when it was embedded in who I was?

Fast forward a few years to my recent graduation from Calvin College. (Go Knights!) I graduated with a communication degree and a plan to work as a social media manager for a dairy company. Not exactly my dream job. But, hey, it was a start.

On a particularly frustrating, desk-job day, I stumbled across a quote that kicked my wheelhouse into gear:

"What can you do today to get you closer to your future?"

Wow. I know. PROFOUND, right?

But really. What was I doing that was helping propel myself toward my future goals? Well, needless to say, that is how the seedling of HIIT like a gurl was formed.

My hope is that HIIT like a gurl will inspire you to never stop kicking yourself into gear. I believe that life is too short to ever reach a plateau or remain stagnant.

Never stop dreaming. Never stop improving. and NEVER say the word, "can't".

"Shoot for the moon, for if you fail, you will land among the stars."

Cliche, I know. But if I follow my dreams, then you have to, too,

So, here we go!

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